

Secondary - First Aid Learning

KS3 pupils are currently learning about First aid skills through the British Red Cross, building on the skills, confidence and willingness to act when someone is in need of first aid.

First aid learning covers:
- How children and young people can stay safe
- What to do in a first aid emergency
- What might prevent people from stepping in to help and how to overcome barriers to action.


Must Read! Parent/Teacher Dynamic

A very well written passage on how teachers and parents can build a positive relationship to help the development of students.

Please download document to read.


Write It! Young Food writer of the year competition

KS3 pupils are currently writing about their food experiences and are encouraged to enter the Write It! Young Food writer of the year competition:


Year 10 - Alan Senitt Refugee Support

The Year 10 girls have arranged a "Refugee Support Day" at the school to raise awareness of the negative perceptions refugees face in their daily lives. You are all invited on the May 2nd for their presentation. Please download file for more information.