Welcome to Barnet Hill Academy. An independent Islamic faith school
based in the London Borough of Barnet for pupils aged between 3-11

Join us for a Mini Eid Fair!

Join us on Tuesday 2nd May for a delightful mini Eid fair at school! We've got some exciting stalls lined up for you with sweet treats, Islamic books and so much more!


Road Safety with Box Clever Theatre!

We were also very excited to welcome Box Clever Theatre to our school this week where they delivered a workshop called 'Getting There' for our students in Years 5 and 6. 'Getting There' was a highly entertaining play delivered with enthusiasm and energy, which focused on encouraging our students to take responsibility for their personal safety on their way to school, whether that's on foot, by bicycle or public transport. By allowing our students to emphasise with recognisable characters and become fully engaged in the action, the workshop was able to convey some very important messages!


Our School Council Fundraiser for Turkiye-Syria!

Last week, we mentioned our upcoming Student Council fundraiser to aid victims of the Turkiye-Syria fundraiser, and this week we're delighted to inform you that it was a massive success! Thanks to the efforts of our student council, all of our staff members and our extensive BHA community including all parents/carers who contributed towards this cause, we were able to raise a total of £680! Amazing work from everyone!


An Amazing Science Workshop!

At BHA, we got in on the Science Day fun where all our classes (Reception to Year 6) enjoyed a series of science workshops. Our students learned all about making slime from scratch - an extremely popular activity - as well as the ins and outs of gravity and launching rockets!

Speaking of rockets, we were thrilled to gather the entire school body for the final experiment of the day, launching bottles of water (each filled at a different amount) into the sky! Thoroughly enjoyed by our students and staff members, we cannot wait to bring back Sublime Science for next year's Science Day too!